Total Onslaught series by Walter Veith

Total Onslaught

The Total Onslaught series by Walter Veith has profoundly impacted countless lives, drawing viewers into a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. This comprehensive series explores Bible prophecy in meticulous detail, providing clarity and understanding of the Great Controversy between Jesus and Satan. Through its insightful presentations, “Total Onslaught” unveils the spiritual battle that has shaped our world and equips viewers with the knowledge to navigate these times with faith and confidence. Join us on this journey and discover the profound truths that bring hope and purpose to your life.


Jesus Christ | Just Another Man or Son of God?

Who is Jesus? Does He measure up to the Messianic prophecies of the Bible? Is Jesus God? Learn about the 70 weeks of Daniel, a prophecy that pinpoints the date of Messiah’s appearance and find out about the rabbinical curse that threatens those who would calculate the date. Explore the astronomical odds against one man fulfilling even just a few of the hundreds of Messianic prophecies. Professor Walter Veith unravels the ancient prophecies about the Messiah and compares them with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Consider the evidence and decide for yourself.

The Real-Life History of Messiah | Where Jesus Walked

Follow Christ's footsteps through ancient Israel and get an insight into the life of Jesus in this remarkable remake of Christ's journey. This episode takes a visual journey through ancient Palestine retracing the steps of the Master and highlighting His great teachings such as the Sermon on the Mount. The life and ministry of Christ, His birth, and death on the cross are portrayed in multimedia format in a thought-provoking study. You will enjoy this look into the life of Christ.

Hidden Secrets of the Sanctuary Revealed: Jesus and the Plan of Salvation | An Advocate For Our Time

"How is the plan of salvation depicted in the sanctuary services? Is there a heavenly sanctuary, and if so, what happens up there? What did the ceremonies and feasts of the old Israelite sanctuary portray? Is God really into blood and sacrifice? Was the law nailed to the cross? Discover new facets to the plan of salvation and the beautiful meaning behind the symbolism of the sanctuary and its services. In this study, Walter Veith also looks at the different laws of the Jewish system, with a special focus on contrasting the ceremonial law vs moral law. Learn about Christ's role in the sanctuary system. Discover the Advocate who acts on your behalf in the heavenly courts."

Ancient Prophecy Correctly Predicts the Future | Daniel 2 Unlocks the Mists of Time

What could the dream of a king who lived more than 2,000 years ago tell us about Napoleon, Hitler, and the powers that rule our present world? Daniel 2 records Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a great statue. This dream reveals the history of the world to the very close of time. The details of this vision tell us where we are in the stream of time and what events are about to occur on Earth. In this Bible study on Daniel 2, Walter Veith analyzes Nebuchadnezzar's dream in detail and shows how history vindicates the Bible’s authenticity. Find out about Napoleon, Hitler, and their occult connections. Discover what the future holds!

Antichrist Revealed: The TRUE Identity They Don't Want You To Know | The Man Behind the Mask

What is the little horn? And who is the Antichrist? Does the Bible say when the Antichrist will appear on Earth? In this episode, Walter Veith lets the Bible speak to show us who the Antichrist is. Modern-day deceptions regarding the little horn power, along with the doctrines of preterism and futurism, are contrasted with the plain teachings of the Bible. The twelve identifying features of the little horn power of Daniel 7, the signs of the Antichrist, point to the only entity that can qualify as Antichrist. Find out who it is!

Is Revelation Meant to Be Understood? Unlocking Rev 1 | The Revelation of Jesus Christ

What is the best way to interpret the visions in the book of Revelation? What background knowledge do we need to understand God's Word correctly? This presentation is a verse-by-verse exposition of Revelation 1, highlighting the deity of Christ and the great battle between good and evil. It takes us back to the time of ancient cultures right up to the present, showing that apostasy from the truth in the past finds its mirror image in the present. Some other topics explored in this episode include: An overview of Revelation's chiastic structure, the symbols of Revelation, sun worship and its symbols, symbols used as occult communication, the Rabbinic course, and an overview of the time of the end and the 2300-day prophecy.

The True Meaning of the 7 Churches Explained

What does Revelation have to say about the Christian Church throughout history? Is it relevant for the Church today? A look at the prophetic interpretation of the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3, this episode sweeps through the history of the Christian Church. From the time of Christ through a time of spiritual decline and apostasy, a time of compromise to a time of Gospel restoration, these chapters set the stage for the unraveling of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Learn how the Sabbath was changed. Revelation is a book you can understand. See for yourself!

MYSTERY UNLOCKED: The Truth Behind the 7 Seals of Revelation

The book of Revelation reveals the good news that there will be a people who, despite persecution, will stand on the platform of truth and will not submit to compromise. This exposé of Revelation 4 to 7 shows the battle surrounding the Gospel and explains the historical significance of the seven seals and their interpretation. It is a fascinating tale of the war between light and darkness which culminates in a final all-out onslaught on the Bible’s teaching that salvation is through Christ alone. This lecture includes both a broad survey of the many interpretations of the seals, and the historical significance of the seals. Learn the history of the Christian church as portrayed by the seals. See the great controversy between Christ and Satan recorded on the pages of history.

When Trumpets Sound

The seven trumpets of Revelation 8-11 have always been a bone of theological contention. What do they represent? Trumpets in the Bible are heralds of judgment. This episode compares various interpretations of the Revelation trumpets using Biblical exegesis based on the structure of the book of Revelation. This episode also covers the seventh-day Sabbath, the sealing of God’s people, the 144 000, the contrast between trumpets and plagues, four interpretations of the trumpets, and various philosophies that emerged after the Dark Ages to undermine the Bible and Jesus Christ.

Who Is the Beast from the Bottomless Pit? Exposing Satan's Kingdom of Darkness

"Understanding Revelation 11 is an important step toward grasping Bible prophecy. This video offers a detailed look at the French Revolution and the setting up of the New World Order. It includes a discussion of the power behind the French Revolution, the birth of human rights, and their significance in current events. In Revelation 11, a beast arises out of the bottomless pit. This vision suggests that form and structure are added to a gospel of falsehood threatening to rob the world of light. How was the French Revolution depicted in Bible prophecy? What characteristics of the French Revolution is Satan employing in the kingdom of darkness he’s setting up on Earth? How will these developments affect your life? Find out in this episode which lays a foundation for understanding current world events in the context of Bible prophecy."

Who Really Runs the World? | The Secret Behind Secret Societies

Much has been written on secret societies. There are numerous speculations as to which powers control them. The nature of secrecy is such that the real power behind the power remains exactly that: secret. In this episode, clear evidence is provided to show who really stands behind the throne of earthly power. This episode includes an introduction and overview to Albert Pike, the Jesuit Order, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Grove.

Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See | Hidden Agendas

Who are the Freemasons? Are the Freemasons Satanic? Do they worship Satan? This episode exposes the philosophy behind secret societies and shows from the most authoritative sources that the deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the God of the Bible. With quotes from Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma, perhaps the most influential source book in Freemasonry, Walter Veith reveals who the god of Freemasonry is and what a 33rd degree Freemason believes.

Why So Many Bible Versions? The UNTOLD Dark History of Bible Translations | Battle of the Bibles

"History gives us an interesting insight into who the translators of the Bible were and what they believed. Could Satan be using modern Bible translations to set the stage for a final attack on the Word of God? In this episode, Walter Veith exposes the history and affiliations of those who have dared to reshape God’s Word to suit their occult philosophy. He also shows why the issue is not so much about particular versions, but about which manuscript each version was based on. What is Gnosticism and how have gnostic teachings influenced modern Bible versions? How was the ancient city of Alexandria important to the occult world and why is this relevant to a discussion about Bible versions? Find out in this eye-opening episode about Bible translation history."

What's the Difference Between Bible Versions? The Battle Over Christ’s Divinity | Changing the Word

Are all Bible translations the same? What is the best Bible translation? What do we need to be aware of when choosing which Bible to read? See a near-exhaustive comparison of modern Bible versions with the King James Version in this episode. What changes have been made in modern translations that rob Christ of His divinity? This episode takes a hands-on approach to evaluating Bible versions and exposes Satan’s attack on Christ through modern Bible versions. Find out what’s been changed and why.

Who Are the REAL Forces Behind NWO? Centuries of Organized Deception | Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars

"Major revolutions in history have shaped the world we now live in. What do they have in common? Have they been controlled by some guiding power? Revolutions, tyrants, and wars need finance and support in order to succeed. Who is behind the major conflicts that have plagued humanity during the last centuries? Are sinister forces working behind the scenes to bring about a new order to the world? Some highlights discussed in this episode are the revolutions of the previous century, the rise of the USA as a superpower, the Kennedy assassination, and the setting up of the New World Order. This presentation also includes a discussion of the major players in both world wars, the Jesuits and their role in wars, Freemasonry and its role in wars, famous 33rd-degree Freemasons, fascism and the US, and the hidden meaning of the Statue of Liberty."

What Is the Mark of the Beast and How to AVOID Getting It | Crime of All Ages

Who is the Antichrist power, and what is he up to? What is the mark of the beast? How can we avoid the mark of the beast? This episode reveals the behind-the-scenes activities of the Antichrist power: how he places himself in the temple of God, claims to be God with power even over the Almighty, and claims to have the capacity to alter even the precepts of Christ. In this presentation, the Bible and the Bible alone is used to expose the Antichrist's activities. This episode also includes a study on the mark of the beast and how to avoid it.

America In Bible Prophecy: Who Are The Two Beast of Revelation 13?| Two Beasts Become Friends

Since identities of the two beasts in Revelation 13 are a matter of life and death with eternal consequences, it is vital that we understand who these powers are. This exposé of Revelation 13 explains how the beast of the sea and the beast of the earth become friends, culminating in a new system of worship which honors the first beast. Giving clear evidence about the identities and objectives of these political powers, this presentation includes a look at the USA in Bible prophecy and the importance of church and state separation.

Are the Teachings of the Catholic Church Biblical or Pagan? | The Wine of Babylon

Is Catholicism pagan? This episode traces the ancient religion of Babylon from its origins to the very time in which we live. See evidence that this ancient religion is alive and well in religious systems of our day, dressed in a garb to suitably camouflage it from the eyes of the casual observer. Could the most powerful church in the world be pagan at its heart? Learn about mother-child worship in ancient cultures, the use of sun worship symbols in Catholicism, and occult influences in cathedrals like St. John's Lateran. Discover the occult language of ancient sun worship in the heart of Catholicism.

End-Time Prophecy Explained: Who is the Woman Who Rides the Beast? The Papacy & the Final Deception

"What modern-day system is represented by the whore of Babylon in Revelation 17? Who is the woman called “Mystery Babylon”? This verse-by-verse exposé of Revelation 17 describes a woman controlling a coalition of powers. The woman has the attributes of the mystery religion of Babylon and entices the world to follow her precepts. Who were the Gnostics? How are secret societies connected? What is the origin of sports and the Olympics? Find out how these things are related to the whore of Babylon as Walter Veith presents a thorough exegesis of Revelation 17 and identifies Babylon’s influence on modern religion and society. Discover how Revelation 17 sets the stage for the final events in the conflict between good and evil."

What Are the REAL Goals of the New World Order? The Plan As You’ve Never Seen It | A New World Order

Is there a New World Order on the horizon? Who is behind it and what are the consequences? This episode explains the emergence of a New World Order and its purpose, with all its political and socio-economic ramifications. The intrigues behind the setting up of a universal order dictating to the conscience of humanity are clearly exposed. This presentation discusses events leading up to this order, such as the great terrorist attacks of our time, and the battle against the so-called “axis of evil,” as well as how the new structure will personally impact the lives of the citizens of the world.

What Happens When You Die? Unlocking the Mystic Realm of Death

What happens when you die? Where do the dead go? Is there an afterlife? What does the Bible teach on this issue? Is there a hell? Seven heavens? Life after death? Reincarnation? Are there ghosts? Does the Bible have anything to say about spiritism? What happens when you die is perhaps the biggest question many will ask themselves in their life. With a wide range of different interpretations and beliefs, how do we know which one to trust? Discover the true teachings of the Bible on this often-misunderstood topic.

Immortal Soul or Satan’s Lie? Exposing the New Age Deception | The New Age Agenda

"Who began the New Age movement and what is its aim? This episode is an in-depth analysis of the New Age movement and includes a look at Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Christian Science movement, Maitreya, Buddhism, false christs, and Benjamin Crème. Using direct quotes from writers and people involved in each of these movements, Dr. Veith shows that their ultimate agenda is to usurp Jesus Christ. Other topics covered in this episode include: Jesuitism and the New Age movement, the use of subliminal images by Jehovah's Witnesses, Harry Potter, the Maitreya, Mary Baker Eddy, Gnostics, New Age teachings in Catholicism, New Age in Freemasonry, genealogical connections between US presidents, Alice A. Bailey, and NASA’s religious connections."

Does God Desire Global Unity? Separating God’s Plan From the Devil’s Lies | That All May Be One

In an age of religious tolerance and ecumenism, old hatchets are being buried. Churches that have long been separated on questions of doctrine are reuniting. Are the current ecumenical developments based on Scripture or humanistic principles? Is truth being sacrificed for the sake of unity? Are we moving to the era of peace which the Bible warns us would come just before sudden destruction? Who leads the ecumenical movement? What are the goals of ecumenism? And what are the philosophies of ecumenical preachers like Robert Schuller and Billy Graham? Find out in this episode on ecumenism.

False Christianity Exposed: Are Mega Church Leaders The Voice of The False Prophet? | Strange Fire

"In this episode we look into what the charismatic movement is all about. We also learn that in modern theology there has been a shift from God-centered religion to self-centered religion, from salvation by faith to a social Gospel. This presentation deals with the miraculous manifestations found in modern Christian worship. The origin and methods of mega-churches and their needs-related religion are discussed and exposed for what they are. What is the source of their inspiration? Find out where mega-preachers such as Schuller, Hybels, Warren, Copeland, and Hinn are going with their philosophies. Other topics covered include: the ""needs gospel,” origin of Pentecostalism, Kundalini yoga, similarities between sun worship and Pentecostalism, modern Christian musicians, and the influence of preachers like TB Joshua, Oral Roberts, and Jesse Duplantis. Discover the truth about the charismatic movement."

Pagan Practices Exposed | The UN's Occult Agenda

"What are the real motives behind the United Nations new world order? Does the United Nations have only a political agenda or is there a spiritual dimension to its activities? In this video, the hidden agenda of the UN is clearly exposed. From its inception to its ultimate goal, the creation of a global religio-political system will have far-reaching consequences for every individual on Earth and possibly catastrophic consequences for those who trust in salvation in Christ alone. This presentation includes a look at Robert Mueller’s school and philosophy, and how the cosmic christ and the United Nations go together. Topics covered include: the UN's religious side, its education philosophy and the work of Robert Mueller, the cosmic christ, and the UN prayer and meditation room. Learn about the powerful influence of the mystics who shaped UN spiritualism, including Teilhard de Chardin, Helena Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, and Annie Besant. Discover the spiritual face and aspirations of the United Nations."

Christ vs Satan: Is The Battle For Souls Happening Here on Earth? The TRUTH Behind the Conflict

The battle between good and evil, Christ and Satan, has been brewing for millennia. How has this spiritual battle manifested itself on the physical scene of history? This episode presents the great controversy between Christ and Satan throughout the ages as described in Revelation 12. The hatred of Lucifer for God’s Son, and for all who follow His leadership, has led to more bloodshed, pain, and suffering on this planet than many realize. The persecution of all who believed the Bible in the Middle Ages as well as the great final conflict that will come upon the earth are revealed in this riveting presentation.

Where Is God’s Church Now? Finding The Light That Satan Can’t Extinguish | A Stone To Rest Your Head

Why are there so many denominations? Is there one true church? Does God still have a remnant church? This study of Revelation 10 reveals the counterpart to the Beast and identifies the organization which God raises up to counter the errors Satan has placed in the world to rob us of salvation. What message of warning has God given this movement to proclaim to the world? What is the 2300-day prophecy? Who was William Miller and what happened during the Great Awakening? Does the Bible identify which Christian denomination is right? Learn what the Bible says about the distinguishing features of God’s remnant church.

Does God Still Talk To Modern Man? Understanding True Prophets and Prophecy | God’s Guiding Gift

How do you identify a true prophet? What does the Bible say are the characteristics of a true prophet so we can avoid being deceived? Are there modern manifestations of the true gift of prophecy? What does the Bible reveal on this issue? According to Revelation 12 and 14, one of the distinguishing features of the organization that opposes Satan’s kingdom is that it has the testimony of Jesus, the Spirit of Prophecy. Does God still speak through prophets today? Among the array of prophets claiming to have messages from God, is there a voice that really comes from the throne of grace? Learn about Ellen G. White and the Spirit of Prophecy in this episode.

Earth’s Final Warning: Understand The Message That Can Save Your Life

"This study of Revelation 14 looks at the final message of warning God sends to the world. The message of the Three Angels is God’s response to the setting up of Satan's kingdom by the political and religious leaders of our time. This episode shows us how far we really are in the final endgame. What makes the Three Angels’ Message the most serious warning ever given to humankind? Find out in this presentation. This episode also covers the following topics: Jewish feasts, Karl Marx, the French Revolution, the motto of the New World Order - Ordo Ab Chao, separation of church and state, the false prophet, the seal of God, and the mark of the beast."

Modern-Day Babylon: Connecting The Entertainment and Business World to Revelation 18 | The Loud Cry

"In this lecture, the world power's hidden agendas are exposed. The ""loud cry"" is the climax of warning to the world and is followed by the intervention of God Himself in the affairs of humanity. This study of Revelation 18 deals with God's description of the destruction of the powers that dominate world events today. We look at the economic world, the religious world, the entertainment world and see they are all in harmony. What is the power that is fostering a convergence of human thought and action? Who is orchestrating the assault on Christ and His kingdom? Find out in this Revelation 18 study. Topics covered include: occult connections of famous people and corporations in entertainment and business, what’s behind the increasing frequency of mega-company mergers, and the tell-tale signs of freemasonry at work in the world around us. "

What Really Happened in 1844? A Look at Daniel 8&9 | 1844 & The Final Onslaught

What happened in 1844? In the Old Testament, God's prophet Daniel saw visions of what would happen throughout history. Those prophecies are being fulfilled in our time. This episode deals with the culmination of the 2300-day prophecy of Daniel 8 and 9. It shows that the same animosity that caused the crucifixion of Christ will be manifested at the end of time. In the corridors of secret societies, and in New Age thinking, there is a movement to destroy those who believe in salvation in Christ and the truth of His Word. This presentation gives evidence for the plans to eradicate those who stand for truth and righteousness, including discussions of the judgment hour message, significant happenings in 1844, the Bahai faith, the theory of evolution, the Georgia Guidestones, and the plans for worldwide population depletion.

False Miracles: Revealing Satan’s Final End-Time Deceptions | Signs & Wonders

"Are the spiritual signs and wonders we are seeing today really from God? The Bible warns of lying signs and wonders that will be performed at the end of time in an attempt to deceive God's people. What modern-day signs and wonders have been taking place in association with the New Age and Marian movements? What insights does the Bible give regarding apparitions of Mary and other supernatural occurrences? Where is it all leading and what will be the grand finale? This presentation includes a look at the apparitions at Lourdes and Fatima, the book Thunder of Justice, and Marian miracles around the world. Discover the truth about signs and wonders in this episode."

The Second Coming of Christ: Separating FACT from FICTION | History's Coming Climax

What does the Bible really teach about the second coming of Christ and how does it compare to the array of teachings abroad in the world today? The coming of Christ at the end of the age has been prophesied in the Bible, and for centuries people have been awaiting this great event. Is there a secret rapture? What happens to the dead when Christ returns? These questions and more are answered in this eye-opening study that clearly portrays God’s final intervention to vindicate those who have stood for truth and righteousness.

What Happens After the World Ends? Understanding the Millennium | The Long-Awaited Millennium

What is the millennium of peace? When will the present kingdom of pain and sin end? The world is waiting for a millennium of peace in which Christ will set up His kingdom and all evil will cease. When will the ushering in of the true millennium take place? What does the Bible really teach about the millennium, a time in which the saints will judge the world? How does the Biblical millennium compare with common beliefs about it? Find out in this intriguing presentation. Catch a glimpse of the new world and the kingdom of Christ where there will be no more death, nor pain, nor suffering!

How Do I Give My Life To Christ? Understanding the True Nature of Baptism | The Greatest Invitation

"Is Baptism necessary for salvation? How is Biblical baptism a celebration of Christ’s resurrection? What does the Bible reveal about the controversial issue of baptism? Baptism is the believer’s response to the greatest invitation Christ offers – to surrender all and to follow Him. Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the Gospel and to baptize believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But did He mean infant or adult baptism? Is there a right way to baptize? Which form of baptism does the Bible teach – sprinkling, pouring, or immersion? Why does it matter? Find out in this episode on the new birth experience and the Biblical mode of baptism."

The Islamic Connection

The Islamic Connection

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