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Clash of Minds

School of Evangelism

The Lord calls upon our young people to enter our schools and quickly fit themselves for service. In various places outside of cities, schools are to be established where our youth can receive an education that will prepare them to go forth to do evangelical work and medical missionary work. 9T 170.2

Christ’s ministry lasted only three years, and a great work was done in that short period. In these last days, there is a great work to be done in a short time. While many are getting ready to do something, souls will perish for the light and knowledge. GW92 179.3

Healthfull Living
Christian Life
Bible Study

Purpose and objective

The purpose and objective of the Clash of Minds School of Evangelism is to produce a training program that teaches the principles of Christian doctrine and present truth, with the benefit of experiencing the holistic lifestyle associated with this truth. We have been given clear council from the Spirit of Prophecy that every evangelist should also be a medical missionary, and thus our schools would benefit greatly if they can be associated with such institutes. This is the background to the location of the School and association with Verity Health Centre.

Our short courses (4 weeks) are designed to equip the students with the knowledge to preach the Three Angels’ Messages simply and effectively in order to impress upon the mind the benefits of living what we preach. Time is of the essence, and that is why we have opted for short but compact periods of training and then equipping the students with the necessary resources to carry on the work effectively. If we dedicate ourselves to the service of the Lord Jesus Christ as consecrated workers, as laborers together with Him, He will supply all our needs and grant us the gift of the Holy Spirit to finish the work.

Course Outline

The following key study areas will be covered by lectures, workshops and demonstrations which will be scheduled throughout the course period.

Principles of healthful living
Health reform from the ground up
Basic organic gardening
The physiology of the human body
Basic medical missionary principles
The authenticity of the Scriptures
Archaeology and the Bible
The question of origins and the evolution creation debate
Sacred history: The history of the church through the ages and the calling of the remnant
The fundamental beliefs of the SDA church with emphasis on the doctrines that set us apart
The remnant, authenticity of spiritual gifts and the Spirit of Prophecy
Biblical prophecy with emphasis on Daniel and Revelation
The origin of sin and the spirit of rebellion
A comprehensive look at the most important messages for our time, the last call to humanity, “The Three Angels’ Messages”
Sacred Music, Music and worship, Music and spiritual discernment and a hands-on musical experience
Evangelistic tools like the media, effective use of the internet and digital evangelism and networking
How to be practical at becoming effective fishers of men
Survival skills for the hard times ahead
Hands-on training with regard to basic natural medical treatments

Important Notice:

We are thrilled to inform you that we are planning to make the course accessible online during the latter part of 2025, allowing you to participate from anywhere in the world.

We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing more information soon!

Upcoming Courses

Course dates

23 February 2025 – 22 March 2025

29 October 2025 – 22 November 2025

Course costs

R20,000 (ZAR) / $1,100 (USD)

Speakers and teaching staff will include: Prof. Walter and Sonica Veith, Martin & Marna Smith, Dr. Francois Du Plessis, Nelis Theron, Marlou Smith, David Symons, Edrich Elstadt and Dan Nel.

General / Logistics

Students will be housed in shared or private rooms at the Fig Tree accommodation in the Kampersrus area. Accommodation includes:

Students will be supplied with the necessary reading materials in either electronic form or/and hard copies. Evangelistic tools in the form of DVD’s and flash drives will also be supplied. The ministry will provide access to our question and answers database and our staff will be, as far as is possible, engaged in assisting with questions that arise in the field.

Meals will be provided at the Verity Centre cafeteria. Verity Centre and Clash of Minds, are also located in close proximity to a wildlife haven, and we will therefore arrange nature excursions and a trip to wildlife havens such as the Kruger National Park, as part of the experience.


If you feel that God has called you into service for Him in these last days, please download and read the COMS Student Handbook, if you decide thereafter that this course is for you, please complete the registration form and pay the registration fee to initiate the application process.

After reading the COMS Student Handbook and you have any further questions, please email us at

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high demand of attending the course, emails asking questions already covered in the COMS Handbook will not receive a reply.