Global Initiatives

Freddie vd Linde

Freddie vd Linde

Outreach Africa

Freddie van der Linde is a dedicated evangelist passionate about spreading the gospel across South Africa and its neighboring countries. Accompanied by his supportive wife, Freddie travels extensively, sharing the message of hope and faith with diverse communities. His tireless commitment to his mission and his deep connection with the people he meets highlight his unwavering devotion to his calling.

Explore Freddie’s missions

1 st May, 2024 - Fountain View SDA Church (Zambia)

This report covers the preparation for the crusade as well as the crusade which lasted for two weeks from 14th – 27th April, 2024 at Chanjowe by Elder Freddie from South Africa whose theme was, “GOD’S FINAL CALL.”

The Church realized the need for a crusade to support a newly established branch which had eight (8) members. This evangelistic campaign was to take place from Chanjowe area to support Chanjowe Branch. This area has got six nearby villages surrounding the Church with an approximation of the population around 1500 people. In a radius of about 3km and beyond are more villages which are actually un-entered areas.

As Fountain View SDA Church, we started interventions in Chanjowe area in June 2021 and the place had a blessing of receiving a “ONE DAY CHURCH”” by Maranatha in June 2023.

The few members of the branch started to build the wall while also doing some outreach programs in the surrounding communities.

Then, an opportunity came when Fountain View SDA Church considered holding a crusade at Chanjowe. This was an advantage to the approach to evangelism in this area. However, although there was this thought, the area is well known for not appreciating the Adventist message for the reason that the previous campaigns have had no baptism. Others who could have supported the crusade could not come in for the discouragement of failing to achieve any baptisms previously.

Suffice to mention that we have some members who follow ‘WhatsApp Prof’ and they realized that there was an evangelist who could be engaged in this work – Fredrick Wilhelm Van der Linde (Freddie). He was contacted and agreed to come. Questions rose as to how the Church would support the food issues for the fact that we were receiving a white man for the first time in our mission district and the Church has never had any experience in taking care of a white man’s welfare. On 11th April, 2024, Elder Freddie arrived in Chadiza. The crusade was scheduled to start on Sunday, 14th April 2024 and the construction of the pulpit stand and other two shelters for the female and male crusaders was done on Sunday.


1. For the first time we used a very good PA system which impacted our crusade amazingly good. We made the speakers to face the direction of the nearby villages. And when Elder Freddie moved a certain distance beyond 500m, he could hardly get the sound. Surprisingly, the tidings which came confirmed to us that the sound could be gotten as far as 3km. This made them to enquire about the unusual sound. After realizing that the sound was actually coming from a crusade by the SDA Church, one headman called for a meeting with the crusaders and called the whole villagers for the same. The meeting with the villagers ended with a request that a crusade be done in their village too. We believe God is finishing the spreading of the gospel in unusual ways. The PA system was later given to the Church by Elder Freddie that it should be continued evangelism activities. The PA System would be a great gift which would be used in one of the three scheduled crusades for the district which are all starting on 12th May, 2024. May God bless and increase the influence of Elder Freddie’s ministry and those supporting it. AMEN!

2. The coming of Elder Freddie opened up another approach of inviting people to the kingdom of God. Including the packaging of the message as well as its content. We indeed need to call people out of Babylon.

3. By grace alone, Elder Freddie managed to see opportunities which could be utilized to call people out of Babylon and lift up Jesus. If the Lord approves it, may Heaven alone lead the way. As Fountain View SDA Church, we are willing to cooperate and to use the available resources in support of the ministry of Christ as we have always been doing. Where we are not doing very well, may God teach us to be doing better.

4. The lowliness and humility shown by Elder Freddie was a big lesson to the Church. We could not imagine him being ridden on a motorcycle and being willing to ride a motorcycle after 20 years. Above all, eating our food and mingling with the communities freely was something which just broke several social and cultural barriers. He also had time to visit the prison and prayed with the prisoners in the company of Pastor Enock Chileshe, the District Pastor.

5. We thank Clash of Minds for advertising the Ministry of Elder Freddie. Just that advert has led hundreds to Christ. And more are still coming as we endeavor to do like our brother is doing it.

6. We thank Elder Freddie for the PA system and the books we are yet receive. We will open routes in which the impact of our brethren abroad may be reaching over to our communities.

7. A total of 53 souls were Baptized, a thing which surprised most of us for the reason that the Chewa tribe is secretive (tradition / culture) in nature and most of the local people are peasant farmers who earn less than a Dollar per day. May Grace and Peace abound. Elder Jolly Tembo Admin Elder

16 June, 2024 - Kariba (Zimbabwe)

The series in Kariba finished yesterday. This was a difficult mission. It was a real African case. As you know, I was asked to come help with 200 students who were to offer lectures at 12 different sites every evening for two weeks. They would have presented Daniel-Revelation lectures.

Everything worked against the mission. When I arrived here, the students were not yet here. Transportation was a problem, and funds were a problem. I had previously arranged with the bus transport company, and they promised a bus that they would provide at their cost, but the church in Kariba was supposed to provide the fuel for the second bus. Naturally, they did not have the funds. The Kariba community is a very poor community, so it was almost impossible for them to raise the funds. However, a person made a promise to pay the cost. The first bus only arrived on Tuesday, which delayed us by three days. Fortunately, the twelve speakers were on the bus, and we could start on Tuesday. The pastor then had to take the rest of the students to the different sites with his vehicle for the whole week. On the first Monday, while we were waiting for the students, I addressed one of the schools’ teachers. There was then no further opportunity to meet with them again because the pastor was the only one with a vehicle, and he had to transport the students to their sites.

The second bus was sent with the promise that the money would be paid in, which did not happen. I only learned about this over the weekend. This was now a big problem because there were no buses to get the students back to the university for the next semester. The transport company then decided that they would provide one bus to take and fetch the students, so they would then bear the fuel cost for both buses’ first trip. This was in their planning, so they fulfilled their agreement. They are now waiting for the payment from the church before they send the buses to fetch the students.

I was frustrated with everything that went wrong because I was only at four sites where the lectures were held. The last one I went to with the pastor, after he had picked up some students, was Gache-Gache, which is about 120 km from Kariba. 5 km before we reached the site, the right rear wheel’s brakes came loose, causing the car to stop; the wheel was stuck because the brakes had jammed.

And where am I? 120 km from my vehicle where the tools are, and in Africa, where you cannot call for help. This vehicle had no tools in it; where does one now get the right parts and tools? I literally had to make a plan with a piece of rope that we found there just to get back to Kariba. Unfortunately, the brakes were so damaged that it was a nightmare drive back.

I decided to drive the vehicle so that when the brakes failed, I could be in control to try to avoid an accident. Praise the Lord, we safely arrived in Kariba. This was last Tuesday. So from Wednesday to Friday, our only transport was also out of action. Parts had to be brought in first.

“What am I doing here?” was my question to the Lord. It felt like a total failure to me. All I did the whole time was pray.

Well, I realize today once again, the Lord does not need me. He has students who were willing to go from house to house daily, offering Bible studies, answering questions, and inviting people to the evening lectures, who were willing to sacrifice. Their food was meager, their sleeping arrangements poor, BUT they were willing to come to glorify the Lord. This just reminded me again that we are in the LAST CHURCH OF THE LORD – LUKEWARM.

Yesterday, 70 people were baptized, with another 16 over the weekend because there was a funeral in that village. Praise the Lord, He will bring out His children before His coming.

For two weeks, visits were also made to the prison every day; you know that this is a soft spot in my heart. It was my first task from the Lord. Well, 15 were baptized on Sabbath. What a breakthrough; there is now an elder who will visit regularly. An inflatable swimming pool was brought along by one of the pastors, and people in the prison were baptized. The pool was also used at various other places. The lake is too dangerous due to the hippos and crocodiles.

After all the excitement, I was told that there was no transport back for the students. I contacted the company to find out what the problem was because I was under the impression that it had been paid for. The person who promised apparently had a death in the family, and the funds were now used for that. In haste, I then arranged for Wynand to pay for the fuel, which I later repaid him for.

After all this excitement, the students are now all on their way to their destination, and if it is the Lord’s will, they will be safely at their homes by Tuesday. I am sending you a few photos. Thank you for the Bibles and books. Even the wardens were given some. I don’t think there are any more people in the Kariba area who don’t have a Great Controversy.

Thank you very much to the whole team for all your support and assistance. Without it, such successful stories would not be possible. May the Lord bless you all.

Thinus Prinsloo

Thinus Prinsloo

Pretoria Evangelist

Thinus Prinsloo is a committed evangelist based in Pretoria, working closely with Adventiste Radio Pretoria. His mission is to reach out to the local community with the 3 angels messages. Thinus is known for his deep dedication to his work and his ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. Through his efforts, he plays a crucial role in spreading the gospel and fostering a sense of spiritual growth and community in Pretoria.