Global Initiatives

Introducing Our Faithful Bible Workers

Freddie vd Linde

Freddie van der Linde is a dedicated evangelist passionate about spreading the gospel across South Africa and its neighboring countries. Accompanied by his supportive wife, Freddie travels extensively, sharing the message of hope and faith with diverse communities. His tireless commitment to his mission and his deep connection with the people he meets highlight his unwavering devotion to his calling.

Explore Freddie’s missions

Thinus Prinsloo

Thinus Prinsloo is a committed evangelist based in Pretoria, working closely with Adventiste Radio Pretoria. His mission is to reach out to the local community with the 3 angels messages. Thinus is known for his deep dedication to his work and his ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. Through his efforts, he plays a crucial role in spreading the gospel and fostering a sense of spiritual growth and community in Pretoria.