Dwelling in the Secret Place - Sonica Veith

Sonica VeithSonica Veith – This book is the story of how God found us, steeped in occultism and atheism, and false religion, and how He set our feet on a new path. In all our trials along the way He trained us for a higher calling, through the many afflictions He brought joy and patience, and healing from the scars of our past life. Through the windows of His endless love we saw mankind in a different light and we longed to bring to every soul the peace and salvation that we had found.

The stories in this book were written intermittently over a period of twenty years, and although I was not able to pen some of the events in the right sequence, the events themselves are portrayed as accurately as possible, as I recalled them from the many years that had since passed. Some names of people have been changed to protect their privacy, but many even more traumatic experiences that impacted our family directly were not included for the sake of prudence.

My hope is that my story will be an encouragement to those who have just embarked on a similar journey, those who are struggling with temptations, fighting against the powers of darkness, or who have lost hope along the way. May you also find in Him your secret place to dwell in.

We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history. – {CET 204.1}

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